The circular economy demands a different mindset to that of the make, use, and dispose economy of the past. The future of business looks different due today’s sustainable practices. While some businesses maintain their traditional approach, others embrace one simple idea: sustainability is good for business.

Speaker Robert Flores, our VP of Sustainability, will discuss the future of plastic in an economic system that promotes waste reduction while reusing existing resources on the Innovation Stage of PACK EXPO.  Flores will provide an overview of chemical recycling and lightweighting, while he touches upon the concept of designing for recyclability.  Design Director of Blue Clover Studios, Scott Fisher, will join Flores to delve into how our Impact 2025 strategy moves from an environmental commitment to an actualized conceptualization.  Fisher recently explained, “Designing for recyclability goes beyond material selection.  Streamlining design through component reduction, shape optimization, PCR usage, and lightweighting are additional key factors one should consider.  We've integrated design for recyclability into our creative process, while continuing to deliver on the manufacturability, functionality, and user experience aspects of our commercialized products.”

These industry insights will help demonstrate how presentation attendees, who embrace the circular economy, can maximize the value of their packaging.The bridge to 100% recyclable is possible. Join us on Tuesday, September 24th at 10 a.m. on Stage 2, and go to: to learn more.